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Insulated Pressure Mixing Tank

Inquire About This ProductItem #: 5683
Manufacturer: WHE Bio-Systems

Stainless steel insulated pressure tank with a Lightnin mixer. The tank has a dish top with a 17" manway (certified by Paul Meuller). The manway has a 4.75" outside diameter sani clamp connection inlet. The tank has 6 sani clamp inlets (3 - 2.5" and 3 - 2" outside diameter) and a 5" diameter inlet where the Ligthtnin mixer (model XJSS-30) is bolted. The mixer has a 1" diameter shaft that goes to about 6"' from the bottom of the tank with 4.5" long impellers on the end. The inside of the tank is 36" diameter x 71.5" tall with a dished bottom (approximately 300 gallons or 1100 litres). It has a 1.5" diameter centre outlet that comes out the side and is 5" from the floor. The outlet is operated with an electronic actuator. The outlet has a diverter line for samples / testing of product. In excellent condition. Last used in a pharmaceutical facility. FV / 50 psi @ 300 deg F. MAWP. -20 deg F @ 53 psi MDMT. OIN #5.1042055. CRN # K7507.5

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